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Dead Or Alive - Then There Was You
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Track Lyrics

What a dizzy spin
My whole spirit was in
All my blue skies
They had turned to grey
And I had money
Enough to burn
So why did I all sing the blues
When suddenly
Then there was you Then there was you I looked around
Look what I found
Out there
Then there was you
Then there was you
What was I supposed to do
I was all alone
In a crowded room
I never thought I'd get the chance
To rip it up with you
I was dancing here
all by myself
I never thought I'd get the chance
To dance with someone else
But you promised
You promised
You'd never go away
But you promised
You promised
Here's where you came
I had money
Enough to burn
So why did I still sing the blues
When suddenly

Track Information



Produced by:

Written by:

Mixed by:





Then There Was You

Dead Or Alive

Mike Stock, Matt Aitken, Pete Waterman

Dead Or Alive

Phil Harding

Karen Hewitt

The Vineyard



Versions available (Timing) Mixed by

Album Version (3.44) Phil Harding


Track on "Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know" album.

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